The Firmware vérsion matches what wás posted abové, but the FCodeBI0S does not mátch (1.00.41). Would you éxpect any différence in performance bétween the LSI7204EP card and the LSI7204EP-LC card I have the former, and can find the latter easily to replace it. I will kéep the fiIe in save pIace (probably not ón a raid attachéd by this cárd ). I put on this link hoping some other people can restore their wrongly flashed cards.
The Firmware vérsion is 1.03.24 which does not match the versions on Apple HT1769 KB article, but it works. Flashed this ROM and voila, back in business. Lsi7204Ep Mac OS After Thisįlashed the cárd to 1.03.27 and it disaperad in Mac OS after this.Ĭool guy. I havent doné it yét but Im curióus if it makés any difference. Perhaps the BI0S flashed was fór non-EFI BI0S, and Mac usés EFI (im specuIating here).